
From the castle we drove to Prague. Our first impressions of the Czech Republic was that it looked like a mix between Australia- flat with lots of brown fields and what we imagine a Soviet country would look like- with grey factories and run down buildings, not that we would say that to any Czech people! We found out later that they were in the middle of a heat wave which was unusual for them and therefore the dead fields.

We ended up stayed in Prague for a week, mostly so that Aaron had some time to work on uni assignments. We had a great campsite with a pool so I was entertained while Aaron was hard at work. The campsite also had a ridiculously cheap restaurant which we ate at a couple of times. We had read that it’s rude to say that things are cheap in the Czech Republic because it implies a bad economy but it really was cheap!!!

The Sunday that we were there we went to an international church and made friends with a young American couple who invited us out for lunch and then offered to show us around the city a bit. It was really nice of them to give up their Sunday afternoon for us and it’s always nice to be shown a city from people who actually live there as they know all the best spots… to get ice cream!

On the last day that we were there, a Friday, we went on an actual tour with a guide around the city. Prague really is a beautiful city full of amazing buildings and a huge amount of history. Apparently a lot of movies get filmed there as well, Mission Impossible and XXX being two that we had actually heard of. We also went on a boat ride with a really funny guide who while we were passing a small canal with ducks sleeping on either side commented “this is like McDonalds drive thru for a Czech!” (Duck is one of their traditional meals).

After all the walking we did on our tour Aaron realised that yes, maybe he should get his ankle looked at as it wasn’t getting any better. Because I understand German a tiny bit better than I understand Czech and the chances of the doctor speaking English was higher we decided the best thing to do was head back to Germany even though our original plan was to head up to Poland. So Saturday we headed back to Germany to the city of Dresden.






