Denmark, the welcome mat of Scandinavia

Due to some issues with the blog client, we haven’t been able to upload anything since getting to Denmark, but it appears all good now! Thanks jbng!


Anywho, Denmark is amazing, we’ve been here for 4 nights now, generally just driving from one historical thing to another, with the exception of a wildlife park we went to on Saturday, which is far less lame than it sounds. There are basically just boardwalks barely keeping you above well…massive brown bears!


That was cool, much cooler than losing our car keys on the first night we got here!? We found them after 3 hours, don’t ask Elky where…


Annoyances like that aside, Denmark is gorgeous, I’ve been loving the scenery and can’t help but picture Vikings running everywhere yelling and carrying on.


We also went to a ‘Viking village’ which was basically a reconstructed village with costume actors walking around. It was actually really well done.


Today we are off to legoland so let’s see how that goes…then through Copenhagen on our way to Sweden, which is exciting!


Pumped iz brew!

