Den Haag

It was great to spend two days with my Oma, so glad that she got a chance to get to know Aaron a little bit better. From Kapelle we drove to Den Haag (The Hague). I lived in Den Haag for 6 months in 2005 so it was fun to come back with Aaron. Unfortunately the weather has not been good and we weren’t able to do quite as much as I wanted to.

We did manage to go to church where I used to go which was possibly the shortest church service we’ve ever been to! Then into the city for lunch and fresh stroopwafels which is a Dutch biscuit with two cookie layers sandwiched together with caramel syrup. You can buy them in packets but warm and made on the spot is significantly better! Yum!


Today we went to Scheveningen beach which was one of my favourite spots when I lived here. It was a lot quieter than I remembered but that’s because I went there a lot in the summer.



We made a quick stop at the Peace Palace on our way back to the camper.



Tomorrow we head to Amsterdam.