
We realise this post is a bit late but we’ve been feeling blog lazy this week.

Wednesday we caught the train from our campsite to Copenhagen to spend the day there. It was the hottest day we’ve had so far, apparently it was about 25 but it felt much hotter!

We wandered through the city, trying to stay in the shade, up to the Amalienborg Palace which is the royal residence. We didn’t see Fredrick or Mary (I’m actually not sure if that’s where they live) but we did see the changing of the guard which although not spectacular was fun to watch. After that we set off in search of food and had a very expensive hamburger. We would have liked to go on a canal tour but the line was too long to wait in the heat.

We then walked in the direction of Rosenburg Castle but first stopped off in the park just in front of it. As previously mentioned it was boiling hot & the Danes seemed to have flocked to the park to sun bake and play in the fountains. Since it seemed an acceptable practice, we dangled our feet in one of the fountains for a little while. Once we’d cooled off a bit we went to the castle, which is more like a museum now although some of the rooms are preserved in the same way they were when the kings lived there. In the basement you can see some of the royal treasury and the wealth there is quite astounding. The castle was probably the highlight of my day, although I think Aaron’s was the fountain!

'An old church thing' - Aaron

We took most of our pictures from the day on my actual camera so we don’t have any to post here. Despite the heat, we enjoyed visiting Copenhagen & it was a nice city.

Wednesday was our last day in Denmark but I’ll write about Sweden in the next blog.

Till then, Elky