Norway and the first half of Sweden

Hi again!

Yes, we havent posted a blog for a while, yes we are slack, yes to everything else, but its not our fault!

Im trialing a new blogging app…and it seems to lack a spell check and im too tired to bother proof reading this…so no giggles please! Also the images arent working at the moment…so bear with me.

This is the best internet connection we have had for a while and thus is the first blog we have…bothered to post for a while.

Ok! Where did we leave off…(quickly reads last blog post.) Copenhagen? Okay, we’ve been to sweden and most of norway since then!

Okay, enough of this banter, you want details! Details you shall have!

After ditching denmark, we travelled to sweden and stayed in a random camping spot which would have benefitted from less boggy grass, in our case at least. This photo actually makes it look really nice though…

Swedish Campsite

We then set out the next day and found a better campsite in a nice forest and didnt have any trouble with the bears, which was pleasant.

That very day we stumbled upon an ancient ruin of a medievel castle (after following the signs) and explored it with great joy and enthusiasm. That was fun i guess. This castle was built on a cliff overlooking a massive lake so i guess i can see why they built it there

Lake something-or-other

Yes. Thats a lake.

The next day we kind of stayed around the same area and went to visit some aquaduct which was important for some reason. We had the honour of watching some kyakers pass through the ..water..gates? Nixon was nowhere to be seen. Cool stuff as you can imagine.

We then went to an old barrow and checked it out, which i did find a little more interesting, but then we ran back to the car after hearing some growling. Must have been those bears again…

That night we stayed in a denmark sized caravan park, at the foot of some mountain and looking out over some lake.

The next day was fairly uneventful, we drove as far as we could to the norwegian border and stayed there for the night in another caravan park on a lake. We didnt visit the volvo gods, who apparently lived nearby, but we might on the way back.

Do you sacrifice kia's to them...?

FINALLY we crossed over to norway after staying near the volvo gods and it has been amazing here. The scenery is breathtaking everywhere you look here, its just beautiful. There are also tunnels here which are very kindly built to allow you to go through mountains instead of around them, which is not fun. 25 km tunnels with stuff all lighting isnt very fun either, but i guess its better than getting squashed between a bus and a cliff, like we almost did.

Amazing looking Fjords in Norway

We stopped in Oslo for 5 seconds before continuing on to Bergen, which was an amazing, two day drive. We got so high that we got to actually get out and er… the snow! Pretty cool considering its actually summer here (you wouldnt know it though, im currently stuck inside a kiosk while a terential downpour stands between me and the camper)

Lord Snow

Bergen was best visited by train and then foot, as our camper was too hard to fit into normal car parks. We wandered around, had pizza in a chinese shop then decided to catch the cable car up to the top of high hrothgar or whatever it was called. Epic view up there and stacks of walking trails, it made us feel like proper hikers!

Instead of walking down, we decided to be lazy and caught the cable car back down. It felt less safe with more people in it than last time.

View over Bergen

Since then we have travelled back to Oslo and are currently waiting for the rain to stop so we can go back to our little home.

See ya later!
