First post and my gawsh it’s COLD


For those of you who don’t know, my darling wife and I are leaving on Sunday 8th of July to visit Europe and the USA and we shan’t mean to come back…at lest until January sometime.

We felt it was necessary and clever to chronicle our 6 month journey via the blog you are now reading.

I guess I don’t really have a whole heap to say just yet, other than we have stayed at the Eschauzier farm all week and it is incredibly cold, so cold I could snap in half if need be.

Twas a cold and frosty morning at the Eschauzier Farm

I also happen to be sitting in what has to be the coldest room ‘in da house’ and I really want to go to warmer pastures, but have promised to not leave until I finish setting this blog up, which I hope I have been successful in doing!

Anywho, watch this space for some fantastich pics and less quality writing unless Elky decides to pop on here and grace us with her firm grasp on the English language.

