A Fridge based pun was too hard to think of…

Hello again,

We have been more or less under house arrest for the last few days because the fridge in camper doesn’t seem to be working. Well it is working when the engine is on, but doesn’t want to work just on the battery when the engine is switched off, which is a problem!

Why is this a problem? I’m glad you asked!

A fridge that only works while driving is only useful to travelers who never stop driving, because as soon as you stop, the food begins to warm up again…slowly and starts to go off…slowly.

We have been staying at Elkys uncles caravan park since saturday and are hopefully getting it fixed today so we can finally drive to Denmark. Exciting stuff.

On another note, a friend of mine who shall remain initialed only TB (not tuberculosis) has asked for an economic climate report of each country we visit, so I shall try to sum up holland based on the 3 shops I’ve been to since landing in this very flat country:

1. Insect repellant is not cheap

2. Petrol is not cheap.

3. Everything else is cheap.

Food prices are phenomenal here compared to Australia, even when you take the €/aus$ into account, it’s still great.

A packet of strawberries is around $5 in aus, but here they are €1! Which is $1.20 aus approx.

We went to an IKEAish camping store yesterday to buy supplies, such as iPad chargers. Luckily Elky can understand Dutch, because they told us to go turn our lights off after being there for 45 mins! Luckily the engine still worked.

Anyway, we are off to see if we can get our fridge working today…I guess I’ll mention it when/ if it gets fixed.

I’m Veronica Corningstone and thanks for stopping by.
