Sydney! Our final day in the country…

Well today was our final day in Australia before going away for 6 months…so crazy!

We spent the day with Justin and Steph, my lovely brother and sister in laws. We got up to some super crazy stuff! Including but not limited to:

1. Riding the ferry

2. Walking through Lunar Park without buying anything

3. Buying overpriced macaroons

4. Arguing with the barman over the meaning of ‘2 for 1’


All in all it was a great day which we ended with a literal bang as we watched fireworks being fired off for several minutes over Darling Harbour.


I can’t believe how crazy the trains are in Sydney! They have like double decker trains and multi story stations! Small town Adelaide has never even heard of such wonders! Crazy!


Anyway, bed time for me, we have a massive flight tomorrow…can’t wait.


Auf weirdersen….?
