Our loose plan

We were originally going to go overseas next year but we decided it was actually more convenient for us to just drop everything, get passports, quit our jobs and go NOW!

So here we are.

We are flying into Amsterdam on Sunday the 8th and are staying there while we visit Elky’s family and find a campervan. Once family is visited and campervan is acquired, we will travel north via Germany and visit whatever we can of Scandinavia. After this we will make our way down to Italy, see some stuff there, then up to Switzerland, across to France and then Spain. We should by then go over to the UK and visit stuff there, mainly England and Scotland. We will then catch a big flying metal bus over to Florida, USA and have thanksgiving with friends, make our way up to NY then somehow over to LA before flying back over to Australia on January 17th!

I need to pack because we leave in 48 hours!