
From Switzerland we drove a looooong way to Venice in one day (about 600kms). Unfortunately our gps took us about 50 kms in the wrong direction and even then we couldn’t find the caravan park that we wanted… and we couldn’t find it on the map either. We ended up completely exhausted in a massive caravan village on the coast complete with 2 restaurants, 3 ice cream shops, a supermarket, hairdresser, handbag shop, glassware, general store (but with no good Internet or information on how to get into Venice!) just before a massive storm hit. We were on the coast so our first glimpse of the Mediterranean was grey and gloomy! We ended up staying there 2 nights but spent most of the day trying to figure out how to get into Venice. Eventually we ended up driving the next morning to a different campsite right near the port where the boat went from and going straight into Venice once we’d parked the van.

Venice is unlike any place I’ve ever been to. Obviously the fact that there are no cars makes it very different to start with. Then the millions of tourists- I’m not actually sure if we met a local Venetian all day! But aside from that it’s just an amazing place. We just enjoyed wandering the streets and watching the canals. We did go on a massively overpriced gondola ride but it’s such a once in a lifetime opportunity that you just have to do it! And it was a lot of fun!

I know I haven’t written much because it’s a hard place to describe but it was our favourite stop in Italy. I’ll just have to let the pictures do the talking, although even they won’t do it justice.

We have one amusing story about pizza. When we went out for dinner at the campsite we weren’t sure whether to order one or two pizzas or what the done thing in Italy is. We ended up ordering one each and the waiter didn’t seem to mind. When we went out for lunch in Venice there were also two French girls there who wanted to share a pizza. They were told by the waiter that they had to order one each. Then the manager came along and told them very firmly that they had to order one each! So apparently the done thing is to have one each! Thankfully they are thin base pizzas so it’s quite manageable if you’re hungry!
