Adventures in Dresden

Saturday morning we set off for Dresden, Germany. We picked Dresden because it was the largest city about 200 kms from Prague. What we still can’t get used to here is that 200 kms doesn’t necessarily mean 2 hours driving like it does in Australia. Our campsite was a little bit out of the city of Prague in a small town which being a Saturday meant there was a market and we got stuck in a traffic jam about 3 minutes into our trip. Thankfully it didn’t take too long to get out of. About an hour later there was an accident on the highway and we got detoured through more small towns and another traffic jam, this time which lasted about an hour. Late afternoon we arrived in Dresden, still with the task of finding a hospital ahead of us.

Fortunately the hospital was a short drive from the campsite. Our first challenge was the information office where the man spoke no English but eventually was able to point us in the direction of the emergency room. After this we most people spoke English so that was very helpful. Their main concern seemed to be that because we didn’t have German insurance (only travel insurance) we would have to pay in cash that day but that didn’t bother us as we had already anticipated that. Anyway, I’ll cut this short because it’s not very interesting but after several X-rays it was determined that the ankle wasn’t broken or fractured but that it was a torn ligament. Aaron has a splint to wear for 6 weeks and crutches if he wants them (which we mostly took as we thought they might come in handy at crowded touristy places but he hasn’t used them at all yet).

Sunday morning we found another international church with very welcoming people from all different countries and an Australian family who were also visiting that day. They were having a church lunch that day which provided us not only with free lunch but more opportunities to talk to people which we enjoyed. The only mildly embarrassing thing was that they all asked things like “how are you enjoying Dresden?” or “what are you doing in Dresden?” and then we had to sheepishly answer back “um… we only came for the hospital…”

After two nights in Dresden, we set out for Poland.