Oslo & more Sweden

Ok, trying to catch up on the blog, its hard to remember what we’ve done when we’re this far behind!

We spent a day sightseeing Oslo which we both enjoyed. We went on a boat to a Viking ship museum which had excavated boats, treasures & skeletons from the 1100s or something like that. The amount of detail in all the wood carving is amazing. We also visited the Nobel Peace museum, mostly because it has to be done. The Oslo town hall is where the Nobel Peace prize is given out so that was cool too.

We were in Oslo on a Sunday so after 4 weeks of backsliding we went to the Oslo International Church which we enjoyed. It was pretty small & everyone had to introduce themselves & say which county they were from. As soon as the service was over a girl comes up to talk to us & it turns out she lived in Adelaide for 3 years & went to the same uni Aaron did around the same time. So we had a long chat with her about cultural differences & such things.

After Oslo we spent 2 days driving in the direction of Stockholm but as I wasn’t feeling very well we never made it to the city but spent our time at the caravan park doing some washing & relaxing which was kind of nice but nothing very exciting to tell.

We then spent 3 days driving to Berlin. One exciting thing that happened on this trip was that on the middle day we managed 3 meals in 3 countries: breakfast in Sweden, lunch in Denmark, dinner in Germany which for me has been a bucket list item since year 7. The meals were not very exciting so we may have to do it again later on in our trip.

The only other “exciting” thing that happened was that Aaron sprained his ankle quite badly the first night in Germany but more on that in the next installment. Also all the Oslo photos are on Aaron’s iPad so I can’t post any here, sorry!